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Best selfie ever: This online article considers a pilot selfie as one of the best captured... 

Rise of the selfie narcissistic - and boring:
This online article looks at celebrity Kim Kardashian and talks about the type of selfies she puts up and why

The selfie's screaming narcissism masks an urge to connect: This article examines the selfie as a form of narcissism however, draws conclusions about the selfie culture, being more of an‘us’ culture then what we think…

#Me: Instagram Narcissism And The Scourge Of The Selfie:
This online article looks at the affects of the selfie and instagram approval, among young people today…

Selfies Linked to Narcissism, Addiction and Mental Illness, Say Scientists:
This online article discusses how the growing trend of taking smartphone selfies, is linked to mental health conditions that focus on a person's obsession with looks...

The Evolution of Selfie Culture: Self-Expression, Narcissism, or Objectification?
This article questions ideas of women uploading selfies of their bodies and the implications…

Sharing the (self) love: the rise of the selfie and digital narcissism: Social media and the internet are making us more narcissistic, but can this trend be reversed?
This article discusses the idea of digital narcissism and the problems that arise, such as pressure to achieve unfeasible goals by the ‘show off’ social media accounts of today...

Astronauts and selfies:

At Arms Length: A history of the selfie

Selfies aren't empowering. They're a cry for help:

Epic Selfie: 3 years of worldwide travelling, one very viral video:

Selfie harm: The worst examples of when the craze for 

taking pictures of yourself backfires:

Know Thy Selfie:

The ‘no makeup selfie’ craze seems like narcissism masked as charity. Why not donate instead?

Selfies Have Matured From Sheer Narcissism:

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